Prolife Ministries

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SUNDAY 3 PM (each time zone) PRAYER MEETINGS

The following is a list of prayers that started with prayer #1 and the rest where added has we went. We faithfully pray every Sunday in our time zones that creates a "wave of prayer" across our great country. We have seen all these prayers being answered. Thank you for your prayers.


The first prayer we started with in 1998 was that abortion clinics would lose their funding and businesses would not want to associate themselves with abortion. Still praying for this as the clinics are slowly closing.


The second prayer we added was that people would start leave the abortion clinics and would not want to associate themselves with abortion. A year later Abby Johnson (previously worked as a director at Planned Un-Parenthood) resigned in October 2009 and started her own ministry at "And Then There Were None" Still praying for her and all the others on the front lines fight for the rights of the unborn.


The third prayer we added was that abortion clinics would be exposed for who they truly are. Then a year later David Deleiden released his video of Dr. Deborah Nucatola discussing the sale of fetal parts. Still praying that these people are brought into the light.


The fourth prayer we added was that doctors would be removed from the medical profession and lose their license to practice because they are breaking their hypocratic oath by performing murder. Shortly after we started praying this the Gosnell trial started. Still praying for that these doctors would see the light and repent (2 Chronicles 7:14).


The fifth prayer we added was a year ago and it was that the Roe vs. Wade would be reversed. As you can see the Supreme Court is in the process. Still praying for this as the clinics are slowly closing.

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